
  • Diploma in Financial Planning
    Awarded by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), the Diploma in Financial Planning qualification is an industry benchmark and demonstrates a core technical understanding across a range of financial planning areas.
  • Certificate in Financial Planning
  • Certificate in Mortgage Advice
  • Certificate in Life & Pensions
  • Certificate of the Personal Finance Society (Cert PFS)
Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Marc Dicks-Jones, Northampton

At work

Marc has 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry. He specialises in helping clients who are pre- and post-retirement, advising in areas including pensions, investments and wealth management (particularly portfolio construction and management).

Marc’s strengths lie in establishing and nurturing close relationships with his clients, the kind that allow him to make a real difference in their lives. He enjoys working most with people who are down-to-earth and honest about what they’d like from a partnership, as he feels this is when he can truly add value.

Off the clock

When not at work, Marc enjoys listening to all types of music, particularly anything 80s! He’s an avid runner, getting out early mornings three times a week, and also helps coach youth cricket at his local club.

Marc in the spotlight

On an ideal weekend, you can find me:

On a country walk, followed by a pub lunch

My favourite holiday destination is:


The best gift I’ve ever received is:

A weekend away at the races with friends, arranged by my wife for my 40th

My proudest moment as a financial planner was:

Establishing Insight Wealth. I’ve always wanted to run my own company, something that my dad regretted not doing, so taking the leap of faith (and in Covid times) is a moment in time that I will always be proud of.

When the dessert menu arrives, I’m looking for:

Cheese and biscuits

My favourite song to play in the car is:

Anything 80s!

More about Marc...

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